Hazy Colors portrait photography Lighting setup from my Personal works

Hazy Colors portrait photography lighting setup from my works was a good experience. For this portrait setup, I used three headlights and two gels: blue and magenta. My first test was to try every gel on the right on the skin, so I could see what the colors rendered on a person, you can see the…

Portrait Photography in Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Berlin Hauptbahnhof is an astounding sight, as well as a perfect location for portrait photography. The afternoon sun is shining through the characteristic windows, lighting up hundreds of faces. Some of the faces belong to busy Berliners, who have no time to stop and notice the sunshine. Other faces are purposefully directed toward the sun,…

Who is the best one for fashion photography in Berlin? How to find a photographer and Filmmaker in Berlin? How to rent equipment in Berlin?

Who is the best one for Fashion photography in Berlin? Berlin is a great city for artists and creatives, in the Fashion photography field you can find many big names who live in Berlin, Sleek Magazine is one of the Art Magazines in Germany and has an article about Fashion Photographers in Berlin. 10 Berlin-based…