Hi, I am a Berlin-based freelance Photographer. In this post, I want to share the list of Photographers, who are famous and they have an online portfolio, I hope you join this post. I didn’t separate them, but you can take a look at them and see which one is your favorite photographer. are any of them from Berlin or Germany? What do you think about Berlin as a photographer? Is it possible to live as a photographer in Berlin? But before I want to tell you my opinion. So many artists and photographers moved to Berlin and of course, all want to work and get paid. Living as a photographer in Berlin for me is not difficult, but if you don’t have a strong portfolio it will be difficult.
Abbott, Berenice
Abell, Sam
Abrahamson, Mark
Adams, Ansel
Adams, Eddie
Adams, Robert
Adams, Shelby Lee
Aigner, Lucien
Alberto ‘Korda’ Díaz
Alinari, Giuseppe
Alvarez Bravo, Manuel
Andriesse, Emmy
Annan, James Craig
Annan, Thomas
Appelt, Dieter
Araki, Noboyushi
Arbus, Diane
Arbuthnot, Malcolm
Archer, Frederick Scott
Arnold, Eve
Atget, Eugène
Atkins, Anna
Atwood, Jane Evelyn
Avendon, Richard
Bailey, David
Baldessari, John
Baldus, Édouard-Denis
Baltermants, Dimitri
Baltz, Lewis
Bar-Am, Micha
Barbey, Bruno
Barbieri, Olivo
Barnard, George N.
Barney, Tina
Basilico, Gabriele
Bayard, Hippolyte
Beard, Richard
Beato, Felice A.
Beaton, Cecil
Bedford, Francis
Bellocq, E.J.
Bentley, Wilson
Berengo Gardin, Gianni
Berman, Wallace
Berry, Ian
Besnyö, Eva
Bevilacqua, Carlo
Billingham, Richard
Bischof, Werner
Bisson, Louis-Auguste
Bitner, Rhona
Blossfeldt, Karl
Blumenfeld, Erwin
Bodine, A. Aubrey
Boonstra, Rommert
Borland, Polly
Boubat, Edouard
Bourdin, Guy
Bourke–White, Margaret
Bradshaw, Ian
Brady, Mathew
Bragaglia, Anton Giulio & Arturo
Brandenburg, Jim
Brandt, Bill
Brigman, Anne W.
Brogi, Giacomo
Brogi, Giacomo
Brus, Gunter
Bubley, Esther
Buchheit, Manfred
Bull, Clarence Sinclair
Bullock, Wynn
Burchartz, Max
Burke, Bill
Burnett, David
Burri, René
Burrows, Larry
Buswell, Richard S.
Callahan, Harry
Calle, Sophie
Cameron, Julia Margaret
Cameron, Julia Margaret
Capa, Cornell
Capa, Robert
Caponigro, Paul
Carjat, Étienne
Carrol, Lewis
Cartier Bresson, Henri
Chambi, Martin
Charbonnier, Jean-Philippe
Charlesworth, Sarah
Christenberry, William
Clark, Larry
Claudet, Antoine Francois
Claxton, William
Clifford, Charles
Coburn, Alvin Langdon
Cohen, Becky
Connor, Linda
Constantin, Dimitrios
Cooper, Thomas Joshua
Coplans, John
Corbijn, Anton
Crawford, Ralston
Cumming, Donigan
Cunningham, Imogen
Curtis, Edward S.
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé
Dahl-Wolfe, Louise
Daks, Michael
Dalton, Stephen
Dater, Judy
Davidson, Bruce
Davies, John
Davison, George
De Keyzer, Carl
de Meyer, Adolf Gayne
De Montizon, Count
DeCarava, Roy
Delahaye, Luc
Delano, Jack
Demachy, Robert
Depardon, Raymond
Diamond, Hugh Welch
Dijkstra, Rineke
Dijkstra, Rineke
Disfarmer, Mike
Doisneau, Robert
Doubilet, David
Drtikol, Frantisek
Du Camp, Maxime
Ducos du Hauron, Louis
Duncan, David Douglas
Dupain, Max
Dutesco, Roberto
Eakins, Thomas
Eastman, George
Echagüe, José Ortiz
Economopoulos, Nikos
Edgerton, Harold E
Edgerton, Harold E
Eggleston, William
Eisenstaedt, Alfred
Emerson, Peter Henry
Erwitt, Elliot
Erwitt, Elliot
Evans, Frederick Henry
Evans, Walker
Faas, Horst
Faigenbaum, Patrick
Faigenbaum, Patrick
Faucon, Bernard
Feininger, Andreas
Fenton, Roger
Ferrato, Donna
Fink, Larry
Fontcuberta, Joan
Fortuny, Mariano
Francesco, Scavullo
Franck, Martine
Frank, Howard
Frank, Robert
Franklin, Stuart
Freed, Leonard
Freund, Gisele
Freund, Gisele
Frissell, Toni
Frith, Francis
Fuka, Eva
Funke, Jaromír
Fusco, Paul
Fuss, Adam
García Rodero, Cristina
Gardner, Alexander
Gaumy, Jean
Geddes, Anne
Genthe, Arnold
Gerster, Georg
Gertsch, Franz
Giacomelli, Mario
Giacomelli, Mario
Gibson, Ralph
Gilpin, Laura
Giroux, Andr
Godwin, Fay
Goldberg, Jim
Goldberg, Jim
Goldblatt, David
Goldin, Nan
Gordin, Misha
Gowin, Emmet
Graham, Paul
Grecco, Michael
Griffiths, Philip Jones
Gross, Ralph
Gruyaert, Harry
Gursky, Andreas
Gursky, Andreas
Gutmann, John
Haas, Ernst
Halin, Steven
Halsman, Philippe
Hamilton, David
Hammerstiel, Robert F.
Hardy, Bert
Hawarden, Clementina
Heinecken, Robert
Helmut Newton
Henri, Florence
Herlick, George
Herschel, Sir John
Hill, D.O.
Hine, Lewis W.
Hockney, David
Hocks, Teun
Hoepker, Thomas
Höfer, Candida
Höfer, Candida
Hoff, Charles
Holland Day, Fred
Holland Day, Fred
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hopkins, Thurston
Horst, Horst P.
Horvat, Frank
Hosoe, Eikoh
Howard Bingham and Ali
Howlett, Robert
Hoyningen-Huene George
Hubmann, Franz
Hughes, Cornelius Jabez
Hurley, Frank
Hurn, David
Hurrell, George
Hütte, Axel
Hütte, Axel
Ikeda, Naoto
Irving, Gary
Iturbide, Graciela
Jackson, William Henry
Jaffee, Jay
James, Russell
Johns, Chris
Johnston, Frances Benjamin
Kales, Arthur F.
Kales, Arthur F.
Kalvar, Richard
Kane, Art
Karsh, Yousuf
Kasebier, Gertrude
Katz, Cima
Kawada, Kikuji
Keetman, Peter
Keetman, Peter
Keita, Seydou
Kenna, Michael
Kertesz, Andre
Ketchum, Robert Glenn
Kilkus, Cristopher
Killip, Chris
Kinsey, Darius
Kirkland, Douglas
Klein, William
Kollar, François
Koppitz, Rudolf
Korling, Torkel
Koudelka, Josef
Krause, George
Krims, Les
Krull, Germaine
Kubota, Hiroji
Kühn, Heinrich
Kühn, Heinrich
Kuniyoshi, Yasuo
LaChapelle, David
Lange, Dorothea
Lanting, Frans
Lartigue, Jacques–Henri
Laughlin, Clarence John
Le Gray, Gustave
Le Querrec, Guy
Le Querrec, Guy
Le Secq, Henri
Le Secq, Henri Jean-Louis
Lee, Russell
Leibovitz, Annie
Leibovitz, Annie
Lele, Ouka
Lerski, Helmar
Lessing, Erich
Levinthal, David
Levitt, Helen
Lichfield, Patrick
Liebling, Jerome
Link, Winston O.
Link, Winston O.
List, Herbert
Lockhart, Sharon
Lum, Ken
Lyon, Danny
MacPherson, Robert
Mae Weems, Carrie
Magubane, Peter
Magubane, Peter
Mahr, Mari
Man Ray
Mann, Sally
Manos, Constantine
Manos, Constantine
Mapplethorpe, Robert
Marey, Étienne-Jules
Mark, Mary Ellen
Marlow, Peter
Maroon, Fred
Martin, Paul
Marville, Charles
Maspons, Oriol
Matta-Clark, Gordon
Mayall, John Jabez Edwin
Mayer, Emil
McBean, Angus
McCartney, Linda
McCullin, Don
McCurry, Steve
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene
Meisel, Steven
Meiselas, Susan
Meyerowitz, Joel
Meyerowitz, Joel
Michals, Duane
Mihailov, Boris
Mili, Gjon
Miller, Fred E.
Miller, Lee
Minkkinen, Arno Rafael
Misrach, Richard
Misrach, Richard
Misrach, Richard
Model, Lisette
Modotti, Tina
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo
Moon, Sarah
Moon, Sarah
Moore, Charles
Morath, Inge
Morgan, Barbara
Morimura, Yasumasa
Morimura, Yasumasa
Moriyama, Daido
Morley, Lewis
Morris, Charles
Morris, Wright
Mortimer, Francis-James
Munkacsi, Martin
Munro, Gordon
Muray, Nickolas
Murray, Bruce
Murray, John
Musafar, Fakir
Muybridge, Eadweard
Mydans, Carl
Mydans, Carl
Nachtwey, James
Nachtwey, James
Negre, Charles
Newman, Arnold
Newton, Helmut
Nichols, Michael ‘Nick’
Niépce de Saint-Victor, Claude Felix Abel
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore
Nilsson, Lennart
Nixon, Nicholas
Nixon, Nicholas
Notman, William
O’Sullivan, Timothy
Outerbridge, Paul
Owens, Bill
Panunzi, Benito
Parke Custis, Eleanor
Parker, Olivia
Parkinson, Norman
Parkinson, Norman
Parks, Gordon
Parr, Martin
Pécsi, József
Penn, Irving
Perraud, Philibert
Pierre et Gilles
Pierre et Gilles
Pinkhassov, Gueorgui
Pinkhassov, Gueorgui
Plateau, Joseph
Plossu, Bernard
Plowden, David
Pope, Carl Robert
Porter, Eliot
Post Wolcott, Marion
Pywell, William
Rangel, Ricardo
Rau, William Herman
Redl, Harry
Reed, Eli
Régnault, Henri-Victor
Rejlander, Oscar
Renger-Patzsch, Albert
Rheims, Bettina
Rheims, Bettina
Ribalta, Jorge
Riboud, Marc
Riboud, Marc
Richard, Andrew
Richards, Eugene
Riefenstahl, Leni
Riis, Jacob
Rio Branco, Miguel
Rittermann, Philip Scholz
Ritts, Herb
Robbins, David
Robert Doisneau
Robinson, Henry Peach
Robinson, Henry Peach
Rodchenko, Alexander
Rodger, George
Ronis, Willy
Rosenthal, Joe
Rosenthal, Joe
Rothstein, Arthur
Roversi, Paolo
Rubin, Al
Ruff, Thomas
Rulfo, Juan
Russell, Andrew J.
Salgado, Sebastiao
Salomon, Erich
Samaras, Lucas
Samaras, Lucas
Sammallahti, Pentti
Sander, August
Saudek, Jan
Scavullo, Francesco
Schneider, Gary
Scianna, Ferdinando
Scianna, Ferdinando
Sebah, J. Pascal
Seidner, David
Sella, Vittorio
Serrano, Andres
Seymour, David
Shahn, Ben
Shahn, Ben
Shaw, Sam
Sheeler, Charles
Sherman, Cindy
Shore, Stephen
Sieff, Jeanloup
Sieff, Jeanloup
Sieverding, Katharina
Signer, Roman
Silk, George
Silk, George
Silvy, Camile
Simmons, Laurie
Siskind, Aaron
Skoglund, Sandy
Smith, Matthew Jordan
Smith, W. Eugene
Sommer, Frederick
Sommer, Giorgio
Southworth and Hawes
Steele-Perkins, Chris
Steele-Perkins, Chris
Steichen, Edward
Steinert, Otto
Stern, Grete
Sternfeld, Joel
Sternfeld, Joel
Stieglitz, Alfred
Stock, Dennis
Stoddart, Tom
Strand, Paul
Strand, Paul
Streuli, Beat
Struth, Thomas
Sturges, Jock
Sudek, Josef
Sugimoto, Hiroshi
Sullivan, Cleo
Sutcliffe, Frank Meadow
Szilasi, Gabor
Talbot, William Henry Fox
Testino, Mario
Testino, Mario
Thomson, John
Thomson, John
Tice, George
Tillmans, Wolfgang
Tomaszewski, Tomasz
Tomatsu, Shomei
Tosani, Patrick
Towell, Larry
Towell, Larry
Tress, Arthur
Tripe, Linnaeus
Tripe, Linnaeus
Tsuchida, Hiromi
Ueda, Shoji
Uelsmann, Jerry
Ut, Nick
Van Der Zee, James
Vilariño, Manuel
Vink, John
Vishniac, Roman
Von Gloeden, Baron Wilhelm
Von Gloeden, Wilhelm
Wall, Jeff
Watkins, Carleton
Webb, Alex
Webb, Boyd
Webb, Todd
Weber, Bruce
Wedgwood, Thomas
Wegman, William
Weingart, Ken
Wellington, James B.B
Weston, Brett
Weston, Cole
Weston, Edward
Wheatstone, Sir Charles
White, Clarence
White, Clarence
White, Minor
Wilding, Dorothy
Wilke, Hannah
Willoughby, Bob
Winogrand, Garry
Witkin, Joel-Peter
Wojnarowicz, David
Wollaston, William Hyde
Wulz, Wanda
Wulz, Wanda
source: artdaily.org
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