On 19th May I took my camera with me when I wanted to go out and see Carnival of Cultures_Karneval der Kulturen Berlin 2024. It was an amazing experience, so many beautiful people with color-full outfits were dancing on the streets of Berlin. It was so crowded, but luckily I found a spot which was a bit high and I could see everything from the Carnival. I saw some photographers come with a Ladder or something that they could stand on to get the best view for taking photos. You can find everything about Berlin here.

My Photos from Karneval der Kulturen Berlin 2024
I took a lot of beautiful photos from this Cultural event in Berlin, here I am sharing some of my favorites.
Summer is the most Beautiful time for outdoor photoshoots in Berlin. I used My Canon 6D with my Canon 70-200 zoom Lens. For editing and post-processing, every time I use capture one.

Karneval der Kulturen is a multicultural festival in Kreuzberg, Berlin, celebrated annually since 1996 around Pentecost weekend. It is organized by the Werkstatt der Kulturen. The processions, theater performances, and music events celebrate peace, tolerance, and multiculturalism. Source
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Berlin Photographer
Locations for Photography in Berlin
Event Photographer
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