Emma Kroeg Analog Portrait

Emma Kroeg Analog portrait session was one of the most beautiful and intense Portraits that I have done in my life until now. On 13 December 2021, we had a fashion shoot together, I had a deep connection with her, she could read from my eyes what I wanted to tell her or how I…

Karina’s Portraits

I take Karina’s Portraits in a low-light situation with candlelight and flashlight. For Karina’s Portraits, I used Canon 6D. This Camera had a good performance in low-light situations. How do I take Karina’s Portraits in low light? Here, I want to talk about some tips for low-light photography: What is the best ISO setting for…

Portrait photography with Lucie 01

About Portrait photography with Lucie 01 is a portrait photo session which I did at 2017 in Berlin. I am Berlin-based Based Visual artist Ed Mehravaran. For more photos please check out my portfolio. The portrait photography lighting setup I used Profoto D1 with Profoto Softbox RFI 5′ octa and reflector. The Camera Canon 6D,…

Hazy Colors portrait photography Lighting setup from my Personal works

Hazy Colors portrait photography lighting setup from my works was a good experience. For this portrait setup, I used three headlights and two gels: Blue and Magenta. My first test was to try every gel on the right on the skin, so I could see what the colors rendered on a person, you can see the…