Do you need an Event Photographer for a conference, Business fair, Art Expo, private party, cultural event, or fashion show? Me and my team with many years of experience in photography and videography can cover all the projects with the best and fastest delivery. We only do basic lighting and color edits with our event photos, and with the videos, we do quick cuts and basic color correction. Feel free to contact me here with any questions about your photography project. In case, I can not help you, I will recommend some other colleges specializing in Event Photography in Berlin.

Find your Event Photographer in Berlin

Explore our exclusive Photography and Videography service in Berlin For your Events. Find your perfect team for your photo shoot.

Event photography at Messe Berlin for Travel Expo Berlin ITB

Event Photographer Berlin

Photography For ITB Berlin

Event Photography With Polaroid

Shooting portraits with a Polaroid camera

Karneval der Kulturen Berlin

Karneval der Kulturen is a multicultural festival in Kreuzberg, Berlin, celebrated annually since 1996 around Pentecost weekend. Source

CSD- Parade

Christopher Street Day, (CSD-Parade in Berlin event), takes place every year at the end of July in Berlin-Germany.week in advance.

Event photography at a candlelight concert

Candlelight concerts are one of the international concerts happening all around the world. For this event, I need to photograph in low-light conditions, so having open-aperture lenses is the key. Also, during the photo shooting, it’s better to use silent shutter mode to be quiet.

Coca Cola team in front of the Brandenburger tor-Berlin with red outfits.

Event Photography in Berlin for Coca Cola team in front of the Brandenburger tor-Berlin

CSD Parade 2019 Berlin
Karneval der Kulturen Berlin 2024
Berlin Fotograf